Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Cat

Here is another one I wrote.
My Cat

She Stares At Me
So Softly, Yes so gently
But With That Look
She Imparts a Feeling
A Feeling of Remorse
Because She is Out
And I Am In
And She wants In.
More Will Be Coming Soon


AmandaChristina said...

Little B-

You are too funny.

Thanks for sharing your poem.

Hey, if I send you a poem can I be a guest poet on your blog? If you give me the okay I will write one for you. :) Just let me know.

Your sister Amanda

Mr. B said...

Yes, you can send me some poems, and I will post them.

Barb said...

I love the photo and the poem about your kitty. She looks so tall in the photo....and black.

How about a poem about spring? Maybe Amanda and I could like to it from our blogs. Just a thought.

Maybe you could share some of your favorite poems that other people have written or review a poetry book that you have read.

Just some ideas to get you started.


AmandaChristina said...

Little B-

You need to post more poems. Please!

Your Sis