Friday, November 6, 2009

Giant Lego Spaceship!

By far the biggest Lego creation I have ever made, this is a huge starship that used just about every black, blue, and green pieces I own. It's not even finished yet! It's currently about 34" (or 107 studs) long and growing. It's a super-fast intergalactic pirate ship that has a advanced cloaking device to prevent cargo ships from seeing it until it's too late. It has four separate compartments, the command module, the walkway, the reactor-room, and the engineering bay. As one might have guessed from the fact that there was a reactor-room, it is powered by a crystal reactor which gives it enough thrust to reach 10-LYPS (Light Years Per Second) with it's warp engines engaged. With a crew of eleven, this pirate ship can easily overwhelm the crew of the massive Spaceman Alliance cargo ships that have a standard complement of two. Built with technology stolen from every civilization from here to TBT-24, the pirates have an incredible range of equipment on board. On the front of the ship is a massive ram which is big enough to scare most star yacht captains into submission at the mere sight. Able to outrun what it can't outgun, this pirate ship gives you another reason to stay on your home planet.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Unplugged: Wheel

For this Unplugged challenge, I came up with a new unit of measure, the tire! I realized how stupid measurements are because someone could just come up with a new one and use it instead of the ones most people use. I think it would be funny if someone went into a store and asked for two tires of fabric, can you imagine the looks they would get? The funniest part would be the fact that you were using a perfectly legal measuring system! Unorthodox perhaps, but not illegal. Anyway, I decided to figure out the distance to the moon in wheels, and then the distance around it as well. I measured the height of our minivans wheel and found it to be 26in tall. I then looked up the mean distance to the moon, and changed that number to inches. After that I divided in the length of the tire and found it would take 282,076,135.02 tires to get to the moon. However, I didn't stop there, I then took the distance around the moon (the circumference) and turned that into inches as well. Then I again divided in the size of the tire, and found that to go around the moon it would take 16,528,187.08 tires!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Think! Marshminnow Maaaaaadness!

This is my entry into the Marshmallow Arch Think Challenge. I made a fairly large one, but I probably could have made it a bit more stable if I wasn't handicapped by the fact that I had two different kinds of tongs. This was compounded by the fact that my toothpicks didn't have an umbrella on top. OK, maybe not the toothpick problem, but the tongs made it a bit challenging.
I started with a 2x2 base, but then I had to make one a 3x2 so it would have enough weight to keep upright. Even then, I had to use some pears to brace it! I made groups of two with toothpicks sticking out in all directions so I could pick it up to place it where I needed them. However, I never touched the marshmallows. It got to be pretty tall, and once they started to harden I was able to keep it upright long enough to say I had completed the challenge.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Bill Nye!

Bil Nye the Science Guy! BILL BILL BILL! Hah...I'm feeling random today! I was pushed by my mom to finally post again, so here I am just typing letters into words, and words into sentences, and sentences into paragraphs, well, you get the idea. Anyway, I think it's funny how you can forget about these things for long periods of time and not even care...